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Nickel Coated Graphite
  • 20μm

    D50 as low as

  • 0.004Ω.cm

    Volume resistivity as low as

  • Characteristic
    Good Shielding Effectiveness
    High Cost-effective
    Good Corrosion
    Product Specifications
    Product Structure Ni C D50 True Density Volume Resistivity

    % % μm g/cm³
    FN64-130 Platelet 60 40 130 4.0 <0.004
    FN64-100 Platelet
    60 40 100 4.0 <0.004
    FNS64-20 Spherical 60 40 20 4.0 <0.004
    FN72-130 Platelet
    75 25 130 4.9 <0.002
    FN72-100 Platelet
    75 25 100 4.9
    FNS72-20 Spherical
    75 25 20 4.9
    FNS72-40 Spherical
    75 25 40 4.9 <0.002
    *The characteristic values recorded in the table are typical numbers not the highest specification unless specified.
    Please contact Bestry sales for specifications when you encounter any question.